Web Communicators

This section is designed for university communicators who participate in their department's web presence. It guides you through the writing for the web and offers instructions for you on our Drupal platform.

Drupal Basics

Drupal Basics is designed to help communicators and content editors add and edit content for the websites they maintain that are managed by University Communications. It starts with the very basics of how to gain access to a website and log in and covers a wide range of Drupal features.

NOTE: Because of the unique way we implement Drupal, these instructions only apply to site editors working on Drupal websites maintained by University Communications.

For help with a website not using our Drupal installation, please contact your communications director or your IT contact. For help with UO Blogs WordPress websites, visit the UO Service Portal.

If you are working on a staging site, those can only be accessed while you are on the UO network or using a UO VPN.

Writing for the Web

Use Jon Ziomek’s 1-2-3-4-5 rule:

  • 1 main thought, expressed in
  • 2 to 3 short sentences, taking up no more than
  • 4 to 5 lines on the page

What happens at six lines? Your paragraph becomes more than an inch long. And an inch of type is too thick for most readers. Especially when you’re writing for mobile.

“Get rid of half the words on each page, then get rid of half of what’s left.” ― Steve Krug

Writing for the Web

Google Analytics

Your Drupal website managed by University Communications contains a Google Analytics tracking code. We either use your previous GA code, if you had one, or assign a new GA code if your previous site didn’t have one.

You can use Google Analytics to help you understand your users and better evaluate your website, email, and social media performance.

Google Analytics

Request support if you run into a problem or have questions about functionality that is not covered on this website.

Request Support