UO Edit Suite Drupal Module

The UO Edit Suite is a Drupal module that helps site editors use UO Brand components, patterns and colors. By adding additional styling, templates, and easy-to-use buttons (add, delete, modify) for complex components. This module allows a site editor to easily add and modify Cosmic design elements without manually editing the underlying HTML code

Installing the UO Edit Suite Module (Drupal 10)


  • UO Core Module (D10) - Version must be the same as the version of Edit Suite.
  • UO Banner Module (D10) - Version must be the same as the version of Edit Suite.
  • Cosmic Theme (D10) - Version must be the same as the version of Edit Suite.


  • Install and Enable the UO Edit Suite module (available on Git) like any normal Drupal Module
  • Enable the "UO Edit Suite" and "UO Edit Suite: Templates" buttons in your WYSIWYG profile in Drupal

Want to contribute or found a bug?

If you have a feature improvement or bug fix, please submit a pull request to the Git repository (requires UO network or UO VPN). For other suggestions, bug reports, and feature requests, please submit a ticket to the Digital team.