February 5, 2024: Defining permanent and temporary signage

The campus signage webpage has been updated to include language that defines permanent signage versus temporary signage. The new language also includes how each type of signage requires review. 

The definitions are:

Permanent Signage: Defined as signage that will be up for more than 30 days. Please allow an additional four to six weeks for approval. Some permanent signage must be reviewed and approved by the Campus Planning Committee. Please email the concept and request to uobrand@uoregon.edu for approval prior to printing.

Temporary Signage: Defined as outdoor signage that is up for 30 days or less. These items must have art approved by the Marketing and Brand Strategy office before it is printed. This process excludes the East 13th Avenue street banner location, which is managed by the EMU. Please email art to uobrand@uoregon.edu for approval.