The student organization visual system has been approved for use by the Associated Students of the University of Oregon (ASUO) and the department of Marketing and Brand Strategy. It is available exclusively to officially registered student organizations with ASUO, giving them access to customizable UO intellectual property that can be used to represent their groups. Registered student organizations are not required to use this system. If a student organization chose not to use the system, they would follow the same guidelines set for non-registered student groups as noted in the next paragraph.
Non-registered student organizations may create their own marks but the mark cannot be affiliated with the university in any way. Use of University of Oregon fonts, marks, colors, imagery, as well as words protected under trademark policies are strictly prohibited.
Primary Mark
One part of the student organization visual system is the primary mark design template. Every registered student organization has access to the template, which is available through the University of Oregon’s brand library via Engage. This template allows student organizations to create their primary mark, providing consistency across all organizations and within the brand guidelines. The primary marks are available as a one-color option (variations shown below) and a full-color option in stacked and horizontal orientation.
The student organization primary mark consists of the Oregon Duck mascot head, the name of the student organization, and the words “at the University of Oregon.” Always include “at the University of Oregon” in the organization name of the primary mark. Alternatives such as “at the UO,” “at the U of O,” or “at Oregon” are not allowed. Do not alter the primary mark template aside from updating the student organization’s name.

Primary Mark Clear Space
Provide an appropriate amount of white space when using the approved student organization primary mark. This should be two times the x-height of the large type.

Primary Mark Submission
When a registered student organization’s primary mark is designed, send the file as a jpeg to for approval. If approved, UO Marketing and Brand Strategy will retain the full-color versions of the organization’s primary mark to reference when reviewing artwork submissions for merchandise and other collateral. It is the responsibility of the registered student organization to retain and maintain all versions of its primary marks to use in their marketing and merchandise purchases.
The second part of the student visualization system is the toolkit. The toolkit provides registered student organizations a library of exclusive, university design elements to create artwork for marketing materials and merchandise. The toolkit is available through the UO’s brand library via Engage. When designing, use University of Oregon colors and the typeface Source Sans.
Student organizations must not:
- Create their own marks using protected university marks and words, unless it is part of the student organization visual system.
- Use university iconography or patterns not provided in the toolkit.
- Use typefaces and fonts licensed by the university. Use Source Sans on all materials instead.
- Create or modify toolkit artwork.
- Modify or use any university marks such as the mascot mark (unless used in the primary mark) or the webfoot mark (unless used as part of the Oregon webfoot graphic from the toolkit).
- Create a logo from the toolkit artwork, or use toolkit artwork in place of a the student organization’s primary logo.
- Use the toolkit graphics with a logo or mark that is not the primary logo.
- Combine toolkit graphics to create a new image.
- Create materials that are obscene, discriminatory, include weapons, or profanity.
- Speak on behalf of the University of Oregon or represent themselves as an official unit or department of the University of Oregon.
- Combine the primary logo or toolkit graphics with a logo from an outside company without prior written permission from UO Marketing and Brand Strategy— including sponsorship or in-kind donations.
Toolkit Graphics
These graphics are for registered student organization use only and can only be used after their primary mark has been submitted and approved.

Merchandise Orders
When using the toolkit, primary marks, and any University of Oregon trademarked verbiage and intellectual property, student organizations must work with licensed vendors and obtain approval through University Trademarks and Licensing for all merchandise orders. Student organizations are required to follow trademark policies found on the UO brand guideline website.
Merchandise for Fundraisers and Giveaways
If items are being produced as part of a fundraiser, please email prior to ordering so we can assist you with following university policy. In most cases, the merchandise will be royalty bearing and quantities may be limited. If the items are planned for a giveaway (meaning the person receiving the item will not pay money or provide a service) the item is not royalty bearing. Merchandise items that are co-branded with a logo of an outside company must have written permission from Marketing and Brand Strategy as well as a formal agreement prior to merchandise being produced.
Acceptable Examples