students looking out on top of spencers butte

Key Audiences

Key Audiences

It is important that communications are appropriate, applicable, and delivered in timely ways that are meaningful for each key audience.


Students seek timely information on class schedules, campus activities, and resources that enhance their academic and personal experiences. They are interested in messages related to internship and career opportunities, student organizations, health and wellness initiatives, identity and belonging, and content that contributes to their growth.

Faculty and Staff:

Faculty and staff value clear communication about administrative updates, academic opportunities, and institutional policies. They appreciate messages that highlight professional development opportunities, research achievements, and campus events that foster a sense of community and collaboration.


Alumni are invested in the university's achievements and impact. They value updates on academic excellence, philanthropic endeavors, and opportunities to stay connected, such as alumni events and networking platforms that help them maintain their ties to the university community and a sense of connection and nostalgia.

Parents and Family Members:

Parents, family members, and others who support students appreciate messages that provide reassurance about campus safety, academic support services, and opportunities for their student to engage in meaningful ways. They are interested in hearing about their student's achievements, campus life, and updates on institutional initiatives that contribute to their student’s success.


For alumni and friends who give to the university, their philanthropy reflects their values and beliefs. This includes support for scholarships, research, programs, and many other areas. By investing in our work, they effect change to help society and the world. Messages for this group should emphasize the impact of their giving. When possible, use specific, concrete examples to demonstrate the outcome of the gift. Development related messages should also emphasize the generosity of donors, our gratitude, and how the university is stronger through their gifts. Giving is a personal act. Therefore, messages should be personalized and portray the donors' experience with (or connection to) the university.


Media outlets are interested in receiving accurate and timely information about significant university events, groundbreaking research, and accomplishments. They value messages that provide expert insights, engaging stories, and relevant data that showcase the university's contributions to education, research, and society at large. This audience is led by our media relations team and all communications are coordinated centrally.

Messaging Guidance

It is important that your messages and content speak to your audience in ways they can understand, resonate with, and engage or prompt action. These key audiences have unique needs and preferences. When crafting messages, consider your audience first as you develop a communication strategy and look to our brand attributes to harness for content inspiration. Our editorial style guide offers direction to writers on consistency key terms.

We recommend messages for all audiences are:

  • Active in voice and tone. Eliminate language that is not supportive of the main point. Avoid long or run-on sentences.
  • Concise and to the point. Avoid excessive adjectives and superlatives.
  • Clear for general audience. Avoid the jargon, technical terms, or acronyms that might not be familiar to readers or may not be inclusive.
  • Relevant and compelling for the intended audience. Consider customizing if you have a message that will be segmented for multiple audiences. Consider what you want readers to think, say, and do as a result of the piece. Include ways to respond or take action.