The University of Oregon Alumni Association (UOAA) uses two departmental logos to represent its organization. One includes the word “association” in its design, while the other version does not. Use the guidelines below to determine what applications should use which mark.
UOAA Logo with “Association”
The UOAA departmental logo that includes the word “association” is to be used for organization-focused communications such as:
- Documents related to 501(c)(3) status
- Letterhead
- Return address
- Solicitations
- UOAA membership sales and promotions
- Organization reports/analytics
- Organization/campus/business/sponsor partnerships
- Staff and volunteer name tags
- Branded apparel for staff members
- Staff email signatures
- Eblast, web, and publication headers/footers

UOAA Logo without “Association”
The UOAA departmental logo that does not include the word “association” is to be used for alumni-focused communications and projects, such as:
- Affinity/Chapter/Network partnerships and promotions
- Branded apparel (UOAA board, volunteers, external stakeholders) and hard goods for internal use and giveaways