University Marks and Logos
The University of Oregon has a distinct and special collection of logos and marks with unique meaning and historic significance. These marks bond our community together and provide a way for our audiences to recognize and connect with the brand. It is important that our logos and marks are used with care and in accordance with our shared brand guidelines. Explore our logos, marks, cobranding, sponsorship, and trademark policies.

Primary Logo
The University of Oregon is well known for its iconic "O" logo. We maintain a set of standards to protect the integrity of this mark and ensure it is treated with care. Before using the O, please explore the guidance and polices to ensure your results follow brand standards.

Department Logos

University Marks

Student Org Logos
Trademark and Licensing
The university marks and logos that are registered or trademarked must follow trademark and licensing policies. Our site outlines the specific policies in accordance with our contractual obligations and partnerships. Please explore these policies and work with our Marketing and Brand Strategy team to ensure proper use on products, apparel, advertising, and more.

Cobranding and Sponsorship
The university is proud to work with a number of partners and businesses to support our shared goals and missions. When cobranding or sponsoring an event, project, or apparel, carefully review our standards and communicate our requirements with those we have an executed agreement. Contact the Marketing and Brand Strategy team if you have any questions along the way.