The Academic and Administrative Leadership List (AALList) is a moderated listserv for distributing messages related to the administration and management of academic, research, and administrative units. It is designed to be a form of direct communication to academic and administrative leadership, not as a way to pass information on to the entire campus or subset of campus such as all faculty.
Audience and list creation
Chiefs of staff and deans make the final determination of who is to be included in the list. It is recommended that the following personnel be included:
- Assistant/associate/vice provosts
- Assistant/associate/vice presidents
- Assistant/associate/divisional deans
- Department/unit/program heads
- Center/institute directors
- Administrative unit directors
- Executive and administrative support for the above
Listserv update process
Internal and Executive Communications will provide the chiefs of staff and deans a list of names at the beginning of each term. Updates may be made at that time, or on a rolling basis as changes occur. We request that updates come only from chiefs of staff, deans, or their designee.
Types of messages distributed via listserv
- Conditions of employment (e.g., “Timely Notice Reminder”, “Notice of renewal/non-renewal”, “Reminder Concerning Performance Evaluations”).
- Labor Relations (e.g., “New Deadlines for NTTF and TTF policy development”, “Message from the UO/UA CBA Implementation Team”).
- Transitions and hires within executive offices (e.g., “Dean interview reminders”, “Transitions in Purchasing and Contracting Services”).
- Guidance regarding finances and operations (e.g., “Fringe Benefits: Blended OPE rates effective Fiscal Year 2024”).
- Training and workshop opportunities for academic and administrative leadership (e.g., “New Employee Orientation”).
- Requests for action (e.g., “Financial Stewardship Institute: Call for Nominations”).
Topics that would be more appropriate for Workplace or other channels
- Messages intended for all faculty or all staff, or both.
- Invitations to events and trainings that are not specific to academic and administrative leadership.
- Award announcements or nomination requests (unless nominations are specifically requested from academic or administrative leadership).
Best practice guidelines for messages
To ensure clear communication and help list members easily identify your messages, Internal and Executive Communications recommend the following guidelines for the content of your message.
Subject line:
- Make it short and simple with a clear call to action.
- Example: "Compensation Guidance for This Week's Inclement Weather Event."
Body of the email:
- Include a short summary at the beginning stating who is writing and why.
- Include a call to action for leadership so they know what you would like them to do with the information.
- Segment out information if you have multiple topics.
- Include contact information for questions.
- Include a link(s) to a website for more information.
How to send a message
If you have a message you would like distributed to the Academic and Administrative Leadership listserv, please review and follow the below guidelines:
- Send your message to aallist@lists.uoregon.edu.
- Send the message exactly as you would like it to be released.
- Only individuals who are on the AALL are able to send to the listserv.
- All messages should be sent from a uoregon email and include the sender's name at the end of the email, following the internal mass email requirements, guidelines, and best practices.
- Messages should be text-based, with limited formatting, no images in the body of the email or the signature, and no attachments.
- Your message will be reviewed within two business days.
- Internal Communications will either approve and release your message; deny your message and recommend a more appropriate channel; or in limited cases, suggest revisions to the message.
The video below provides a set-by-step overview for sending a message to the AALList. You can jump to the logistics of the send at 2:56 on YouTube.