Email Signature

Click in the box below which will automatically select the text and logo. Copy it, then paste into the signature tool of your email program. Replace the generic information with your own. It's not necessary to include all contact information or to list the information in the exact order in the examples below.

Source Sans and Source Serif are utility fonts to be used primarily for business correspondence when United is not available. Source Sans can be downloaded from the downloads page if it’s not currently on your operating system, otherwise the signature is set to use Calibri, Arial or Verdana as a substitute font.

This signature template has been designed and tested on for use on modern Outlook clients and the Outlook web client. Other email clients such as Mac Mail and older Outlook clients are not supported. If you need help upgrading your email client or using this signature please submit an email and calendar Service Portal help ticket.

Your Name | Your title (pronouns)
University of Oregon | Your department
Your Office and Building | Street Address, City, OR 00000-0000
000-000-0000 | cell 000-000-0000 | fax 000-000-0000 |

University of Oregon Logo Wordmark