green banner showing the Duck and line art icons including a trophy, kayak, and apple

Brand Blog

PowerPoint slide templates in Canto have been replaced. It was brought to our attention that the former templates were not accessible. The version now in Canto is optimized for accessibility. We ask that you stop using any previous PowerPoint templates for future designs in favor of the accessible version. More template options will be added to Canto later this summer.

The extended version of the institutional description has been added to the Common Messaging section of the Oregon Brand Guide. Compared to the short and intermediate versions, this 350-word statement provides language that addresses the university's sense of place, culture, opportunities, impact, and achievements. The extended version is an excellent option to use when space allows and the opportunity is appropriate.

Guidelines addressing staff directory portraits have been added to the photography section of the Oregon Brand Guide.

When possible, portraits in a staff directory should be consistent in their composition. Ideally, subjects should wear UO-branded attire or University of Oregon primary colors. If not possible, the attire and image should not include marks or logos of competing brands or other universities. When a portrait is not available, approved options include: 

Registration for the May session is live and open to faculty and staff seeking to learn about the University of Oregon brand and how to properly incorporate it into their work. This session will offer a hybrid format to allow remote staff to attend. The training will take place Monday, May 6 from 2:30–4:00 p.m., in EMU 254 | Gumwood Room. More information and registration can be found in the Training and Development section of the website.

The editorial style guide has a new entry that addresses the use of the term, "leading research university." In references to the university, use this term routinely to underscore that the UO is a major research university whose work benefits society. The University of Oregon, a leading research university, is one of only two schools in the Pacific Northwest selected for membership in the prestigious Association of American Universities.

Refreshed lists of internal licensees have been uploaded to the brand site. The most current lists include a revision date of March 21, 2024, found in the footer of the PDFs.

Guidelines on how to apply color overlays and monotone treatments to photography have been added to the Oregon Brand Guide. The new information provides step-by-step instructions on how to accomplish these treatments as well as best practices for using these effects.

Whether its through metallic inks or foil embossing, using metallic colors can help make a project pop, while conveying a feeling of importance and exclusivity. However, this kind of color treatment should be used sparingly. Guidelines addressing how metallic colors should be applied can now be found in the UO Brand Guide.

Two policies have been added to the UO Brand Guide, while a third was updated to include a link to the policy’s language. 

The three policies address:

Sponsorship by Non-University Entities – The cobranding and sponsorship page of the UO Brand Guide now has a section that deals with sponsorships by outside organizations. This section points to the official policies set by UO Government and Community Relations. 

Commercial and Charitable Solicitations – The advertising section of the UO Brand Guide now addresses solicitations on campus and points to the university’s official policy on this topic.

Using Print Services – A link has been added to the print section the UO Brand Guide. The new link points to the university’s policy that requires projects be sent to Print Services for production.

We have added 17 new icons to our icon set, including nature and outdoor icons, additional fitness icons, and technology-based icons focused on email. Visit the UO Brand Library to access and download these new assets.