green banner showing the Duck and line art icons including a trophy, kayak, and apple

Brand Blog

We have updated the Training and Development page, promoting University Communications Brand Camp 2025. This is an invitation-only, in-person, mini-conference for the communications professionals on campus. Registration links were provided in the email invitations. Brand Camp is an opportunity to learn how to leverage the Oregon brand in our work to promote the university. Brand Camp is slated for:

Language addressing staff apparel and the required use of departmental marks was added to the Branded Products and Apparel section of the Oregon Brand Guide. In summary, University of Oregon departments are required to use their formal or informal departmental marks when ordering staff apparel.

University Communications has developed the UO Postseason Visual Guide to help campus partners in their communications and marketing efforts related to Oregon Ducks football postseason play. This guide is meant to help ensure unified branding across all units when creating collateral and communicating with constituents. The guidelines address the use of:

On primary building entrance signs, the background color has changed from PMS 342 to PMS 343. This update brings the shade of green into better alignment with the UO's brand colors used on exterior signage and fixtures.

While the Flying V pattern is exclusive to Oregon Athletics use, we now offer campus communications professionals two alternative patterns that embrace our identity as ducks.

The InDesign template for statistics styles for print materials has been updated.  Large and small statistics options have been added, while the template itself has been adjusted to be more user friendly. The statistics template can be found in the Brand Library under "Graphical Elements" in the  "Design Elements" folder.

Two new building icons have been added to the icon set. Visit the UO Brand Library to access and download the following new assets:

  • Allan Price Science Commons
  • William W. Knight Law Center

The student organization visual system has been approved for use by the Associated Students of the University of Oregon (ASUO) and the Department of Marketing and Brand Strategy. It is available exclusively to officially registered student organizations with ASUO, giving them access to customizable UO intellectual property that can be used to represent their groups. 

Units are approved to use outside graphic designers and illustrators when resources are not available. Use the curated and vetted list to choose a vendor. When using the list:

We have added seven new icons to our icon set. Visit the UO Brand Library to access and download the following new assets:

  • Graduate Employee
  • International Graduate
  • Family
  • Graduate Family
  • Asynchronous Learning
  • Grad Cap and Books
  • Diploma